Commentary on The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 | Dr. Shamsuddin | Commentary on The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 |Commercial Law Publication
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Commentary on the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 is a comprehensive study with critical analyses. It deals with Historical Background, Basics of Money Laundering, Authorities, their Powers & Functions, Tools of Investigation, Attachment, Con?rmation & Con?scation, Prosecution, Reporting Entities, Appellate Remedies, Retention of Documents, Records or Properties, Reciprocal Arrangement with foreign countries, Trade based Money-Laundering, Miscellaneous, Amendments, Concluding Remarks and Suggestions and Appendices with absolute clarity on the subject. This is the ?rst book of its own kind with updated material, Rules, Regulations, Amendments and judicial pronouncements delivered by different High Courts and the Apex Court. Four new chapters have been inserted in this edition and the book also contains Appendices relevant to the subject of money laundering like the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 with Rules and Regulations framed under the Act, the UN Convention Against Illicit Traf?c in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988, Prevention of Criminal use of the Banking System for the purpose of Money Laundering, FATF Recommendations with Interpretive Notes, FATF, Special Recommendations on Terrorist with Interpretive Notes, UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the RBI’s KYC Direction as updated on May 04, 2023. The book, of course, is an eye-opener and a reference Manual of immense use for members of the Bar and Bench, Chartered Accountants, Bankers, Of?cers of Reporting Entities, Law Enforcement Agencies, Law libraries and students being an authentic work on the subject.