
Bare Acts


Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 | Commercial Law Publications | Bare Acts | 2024

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Get ready to dive into the world of motor vehicles with the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 from Commercial Law Publications. This comprehensive bare act is your guide to understanding the legalities and regulations surrounding motor vehicles in India.


In a nutshell, the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 covers a wide range of topics related to motor vehicles, including licensing, registration, insurance, road safety, and transport of goods. This act serves as the backbone for the functioning of the motor vehicle industry, ensuring the safety and well-being of both drivers and pedestrians.

Here are some key points covered by the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988:

?? Licensing and Registration: This act lays down the guidelines for obtaining a driving license and vehicle registration. It defines the eligibility criteria, documents required, and procedures to be followed for obtaining and renewing licenses and registrations.

?? Road Safety: Safety on the roads is of paramount importance, and this act emphasizes it. It states the rules and regulations that need to be followed by drivers, such as speed limits, traffic signals, lane discipline, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 | Commercial Law Publications | Bare Acts | 2024

Applicability: 2024
Author: Commercials
Publisher Commercial Law Publications 



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