Statutory Guide for NBFCs | Taxmann Publications | 2023 Edition
Product details
This book is an authentic & updated Compendium of RBI's Directions & Guidelines governing various Non-Banking Financial Companies ('NBFCs'). It provides comprehensive coverage on Laws relating to NBFCs, which includes:
- Non-Banking Financial Companies
- Residuary Non-Banking Companies
- Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies
- Mortgage Guarantee Companies
It covers updated & amended text of the above NBFC Laws along with the following:
- Directions/Master Directions
- Circulars
- Notifications
- RBI Guidelines
- Rules/Regulations
- Clarifications
- Orders
The book also covers an 'Overview of Law relating to NBFCs' to understand better the laws governing NBFCs in India.
The Present Publication is the 27th Edition incorporating all the amendments made up to 1st December 2022. This book is divided into ten divisions, namely:
- Law Relating to NBFCs, covering the following:
- 15+ Directions
- Guidelines
- Exemptions
- Schemes
- Miscellaneous Instructions
- Clarifications from the Reserve Bank of India issued from 2016-2022
- Law Relating to Residuary Non-Banking Companies
- Law Relating to Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
- Law relating to Mortgage Guarantee Companies
- Foreign Direct Investments in NBFC Sector
- Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations
- Lending to NBFCs and Other Matters
- Prescribed Returns
- Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code Provisions for NBFCs