
General for Central Govt. Employees


Swamy Handbook For CGS (English) - 2024 (Pre-Order) (Dispatch starts from 1st Sep, 2023) by Muthuswamy, Brinda, Sanjeev Edition: 50th Edition, 2024 | BG16 | Swamy Publications

Product details

Index of Sections
  1. Recruitment
  2. Reservations and Concessions in Appointments
  3. Confirmation
  4. Conduct Rules
  5. Discipline Rules
  6. Deputation and Foreign Service
  7. Seniority, DPC, and Promotion
  8. Pay
  9. Allowances, Fee and Honorarium
  10. Government Quarters
  11. Provident Funds
  12. Leave Rules
  13. Leave Travel Concession
  14. Joining Time
  15. Travelling Allowance
  16. Central Government Health Scheme
  17. Medical Attendance Rules
  18. Children’s Education Allowance
  19. Advances
  20. Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme
  21. Concessions when posted to N-E. Region, etc.
  22. GFR, Procurement and Government e-Marketplace
  23. Quitting Service – Other than Retirement
  24. Retirement on Superannuation
  25. National Pension System
  26. Other Service Matters
  27. income Tax
  28. Welfare Measures
  29. Postal Tariff and Savings Schemes
  30. Illustrations

Swamy’s Personal Organizer is appended to this Handbook.

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